Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bobbin' Away!

You're heard tales of motorcycle parts strewn about my house, and ramblings of a bike soon to be in existence, but as of yet still in skeletal form. You've listened patiently as I've ranted about my long-lost husband and the Bermuda triangle-type effect the garage has on the man I love. Oh wait, those rantings might just have been in my head. Oops, now they're public! :)

But today I got a little excited about this bike project of his...because today I got involved! Oh, I've done my fair share of holding bike tires, and commenting enthusiastically about shocks, and seats, and frames...but today I put a little bit of my flair on this project. No, I did not be-dazzle the bike (much as I would like to, I've been forbidden to enter the garage space with anything that can bejewel or bedazzle!).

I've been chronicling this process for Rusty with our trusty digital photo-maker and I've finally found the time to create a little blog spot of his own; a veritable boy's playground complete with photos! Ok, so right now it's ONLY photos. The real mechanic has to write the content. Because let's face it, if I wrote the content it would look something like this,

"The bike arrived today. She's pretty! Her paint is shiny, almost like diamonds. But she's dirty and needs a bath! We will take good care of her and turn her into the princess bike we know she can be!"

Not boy friendly phraseology!!

So, I will leave that part to Rusty, the boy. But, I will shamelessly plug his blog here A True Garage Bobber and tell you to go look at the pics I took of him in the geerauge (that's garage for all of you not native to MN!)...I think they're pretty neat!

Oh, and one more thing: What is our dog doing the whole time Rusty is working away with his man-skills?
I think this pretty much sums it up!....OR

If he's feeling brave enough to stand next to the scary metal machine...ah... a boy, and his bike, and his dog!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Before and After

My new workout DVD's haven't come in the mail yet (3 day shipping my foot!!), so I took to other forms of physical activity this weekend to fulfill my workout quota.

I painted my dining room!!

And because it should be very obvious that I enjoy a good "proof picture" that gives evidence to my hard work, I took some before and after shots to share with you.


Several things to note from these shots:

1. Yes, that's a homemade cat box feeder on our window sill (the dog thinks ANY food left at floor level is dog food...ridiculous doggie ideas!

2. The color looks quite a bit lighter in this picture than it actually is. It's pretty dark...not at all mint-like as it appears here. walls. Shudder!

3. Just know that the floating orbs in the picture are probably our resident ghost. We're pretty sure the house is haunted. Do you think he likes the new color???

I feel accomplished...and bruised! Standing backwards on a ladder for four hours will give a girl a nasty calf bruise for sure! Ahhh...sunless tanner here I come! The things that can be covered up by a little shimmery, gold glow!

Now I need to make curtains (I should probably learn how to sew first!), purchase some art (the one piece I already have looks like it's camouflage next to our lovely green walls!), and decorate it up!!

My evil plan to take over our house is almost complete!! All we need is some girlie chair coverings and a bouquet of flowers on the table and we'll be well on our way!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Cellu-less Plan!

I just finished another cookie and bought two new workout DVD's...literally at the same time. If you look closely enough you can still probably see a crumb or two on my desktop. Mmm...delicious, chocolately goodness!

I am truly a walking contradiction. I AM that commercial of the girl who runs miles and miles only to return home and open the fridge, taking a giant man-sized bite out of a slice of chocolate cake. Oh, except I don't have that girl's abs...or her fabulous thighs. But I want to!! Thus, the new DVD's!!

The little ADHD baby that lives in my brain gets bored very easily! She needs a new toy to keep her occupied. And even though I still love Bob and his Biggest Loser buddies, and I'm still rockin' out to Chalene and her Turbo Jam crew, I need some new inspiration...and a reason to haul my rear out of bed at 5 am. So, after recommendations from friends and some quick internet-research (thank you Amazon reviews!!!), I found these two workouts that will hopefully be shipped to my mailbox in the next 5 days.

Hey, does that mean I can eat cookies until then? Because really, I haven't started the DVD's yet...I might as well gain as much weight as I can from now until then so I'll have REALLY impressive results! Am I right? Who here thinks I'm right?? How about crazy? Can I get an Amen for crazy??

Right, focus Katie Ann! Here are the new flicks!

Ok, side note: I have never actually seen the Bravo show, "Workout" (because we don't have cable), so I don't know if I'm going to be super annoyed or totally ripped by the scary platinum lady on the cover. I'm hoping for the latter, but prepared for the former! But seriously, whatever that chick did to get abs like that, I want to do it too!! I do not, however, have any plans to purchase an outfit similar to hers. I'm not fond of space gear! And Jillian...ah, masculine, scary Jillian. What can I say, I'm a sucker for anything that looks like, sounds like or smells like the Biggest Loser! Oh, and I haven't seen the finale yet, DON'T spoil it for me! I have a tape sitting at home right now, waiting for me to dig up THREE hours to watch it!

So here's the thought process: New workouts = New motivation = New weight loss

That equation looks right, doesn't it? Hey, at least it looks better than this equation:

1 cookie + 2 brownies = 3 chins

I'll let you know how I like these new DVD divas, I'll be like your own personal Amazon Review! And you know I will! Because I've got to do something drastic people! I've got bikini's to fit in to!!

Wish me luck!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Over the river and through the woods...

I am officially one of those people! I am a girl who rides her bike to work!


I have waited so long to be that girl!! Years of living 21 miles and 3 highways away from my place of employment have made the "biker girl" dream an unrealistic and completely unattainable goal for me. Oh, and then throw in living in MN in the WINTER, and you've got a recipe for car-dwelling. Now, some girls are even more adventurous *cough* crazy than me and would have plotted out a path AROUND the city from their home in the upper 'burbs. Um, yeah. The bike girl dream just wasn't THAT important to me. Plus, I don't have an extra 3 hours in the morning to add to my commute. A girl's gotta have time for a latte!

Ok, back to today. Here's the proof that I arrived on my Trek, and not in my Mazda. Ta' da'!! Bike in the office!!

And, I have the helmet hair to prove it! Don't worry I brought a hat. Which I stashed in this handy backpack that Rusty dug out for me this morning. Seriously, when do adults ever wear backpacks???

So yes, I was that girl on the road, with the rolled up pant leg, the bike helmet and the over-sized backpack strapped to me...yes, STRAPPED! But I made it here with only slightly jelly-ified legs and my lunch and cranium in tact!

I am a little more concerned about the ride's basically ALL uphill...and it's supposed to rain.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm feeling sassy!

So I'm wearing this hat (which I bought at Target, but ISN'T on their website. For shame, Target, for shame!)

and rockin' these shoes (a little BCBG Girls treasure from a Marshall's visit a few years back)

and reading this blog (which I stole from the "On the Marquee" blog I stalk)
and I feel inspired and kicky today! Not kicky in a "I need to kick someone" kind of, that was yesterday. Today I'm feeling sassy and ready to take on Mother's Day baking, and Farmer's Market scouring, and dining room painting!! So many things on my list that I'm giddy about!!

I finally feel like I have time to tackle some items on the good 'ole "To Do" list that I actually WANT to do! I love it!

Oh, and it probably helps that the sun it shining outside, in all it's divinely warming glory; beaming little rays of sunshine directly into my eyeballs! Sunshine Love! It's like Smoothie Love, but warmer!

So even though my hubby's reliable memory stick thingy isn't talking to Daisy, my Dell, right at the moment, I'm going to choose to be okay with that and pinky swear that I'll post those promised pictures of adorable foodie creations (and some foodie mishaps) at a later date! Here's a sneak peek: We attempted to make an "Awesome Blossom" at Casa de Leonard a few nights ago. The product was less awesome than it was atrocious...but it was DELICIOUS! Don't worry, we have plans to perfect that recipe and when we do I will share with you the victorious recipe and it's fool-proof instructions. And by fool-proof I mean Katie-proof! Seriously, if I can do, so can you!!

Ok, quick life updates:

1. I still have motorcycle parts in my dining room. BUT, there is an actual motorcycle in the garage, so said parts will soon become an actual bike, and not just a moto-scooterbike-cyle skeleton. I'm documenting the whole process for my husband with pictures and I've created a blog for him, so I'll post that here when it's up and running.

2. I have managed to drop 4 lbs. Call it water weight, call it self-control. Whatever. I'm over it. I'm just glad I don't have to lay down to zip up my jeans. Jumping up and down while yanking on the zipper works just fine! Oh, and Kimberly, we will DEFINITELY still need to do that yoga-type exercise. I LOVE that idea! :)

3. May 15-17. Mark those dates on your calendar and set aside some time to pray for me! Ha! Ok, maybe it's not that dramatic. Those are the dates I have made up my mind to paint our dining room! Ah! The decision has been more changing my mind! Ok, I take it back, it is that dramatic, start praying NOW! :)

That's all I've got for now! Go forth and have adventures friends, oh and then tell me about them! I love a good story!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This will be random (as if any of my other posts are organized or purposeful!), but it just has to fly out of my fingers before it explodes in my brain. Seriously, this stuff drives me insane!

1. Hey, um, blonde girl in Target, wearing your sunglasses after dark. Wow, how do I say this tactfully? Yeah, I can see your thong above your white linen drawstring pants. That is your thong right? Because the possibility still remains that you misplaced your dental floss while practicing good oral hygiene this morning. I'm just saying it's a possibility. And while I'm asking questions, who do you think you're fooling buying ping-pong balls and large, plastic red cups at 8:00 pm? We all know where you're going..and it's not to church honey! Cause I know you didn't get all skanked up for Jesus! Just do me a favor and don't chip in for the beer, you're going to need that money to bail your skeezy 32-year old boyfriend out of jail at the end of the night. Trust me on this one.

2. And you, Mr. Cashier Man. I'm aware that ringing up my cat litter and toilet paper is not the highlight of your 21-year old life, but would it kill you to make eye contact? Maybe no one's told you, and in that case you should go home and punch your dad, giving him instructions to pass it on to your mom. If that's the case, by all means, allow me to be the first to let you in on a little secret, "You are in a customer service job. I am your customer. The very smallest level of service you can provide me is to look me in the eye when you talk to me...if you talk to me!" And more than that, you are a human being and common courtesy dictates at the very least a brief glance in my general direction. Maybe you should work on it, because right now your attitude is screaming, TarGet-Out!

Ok, I'm done for today. Check back tomorrow for a less violent blog. I'm pretty sure it's in here somewhere. There are pictures of cupcakes I made with the kiddos for Easter, there are stories of weight loss success, and decorating inspiration gone wild! I will channel some of that sparkly, flower-filled energy and slap it right into this tiny, bloggy space.

Happy Tuesday everybody!