Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kate's BakeShop

Those who know me know that I love to bake.

I bake what I love.

I love to bake what I love.

You get the idea.

Me and baking...we are friends.

And in honor of that love I've started a little, tiny, new-born-baby, side business.

It's called Kate's BakeShop.

Cute, no?

I'm doing cupcake catering and loving absolutely every single crumbly moment of it!

And one day I'm hoping my tiny, baby business will grow into a full blown grown up business for me. Cupcakes every day!!

To that end I've started a blog, solely dedicated to baking. I'll still probably use this blog for Leonard Life updates, but all my baking stuff will be here:


Read on readers!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear Santa,

It's here, it's here, get the door!

Christmas is just around the corner.

As a matter of fact, I just checked.

It's exactly 38 days from today!

A combination of horror and excitement just shot through me.

How about you?

So I thought it might be fun to whip out a little Christmas list.

A wish list if you will of all the fun products that are just waiting on the store shelves for Santa to pick out, wrap up and place under the tree for me.

That's assuming that our tree is still standing at that point and two naughty cats haven't leaped into it sending it crashing to the floor.

Let's assume.

And because I really am 85 years old and would love nothing more than to hang around my house in my pearls and apron all the live long day, I want this beauty!

Look how shiny and vintage!! Love, love, LOVE!

Makes me want a smoothie right now.

And then because there might be a few molecules of my DNA that are girlie and adore anything feminine and delicate, with just a hint of weird or edge...I love this shop:

Peaches4me's on etsy.

Go there and look at this lovely item (and others of course!) Don't steal my necklace...get your own!

Of course, all those vintage-inspired modern pieces made me think of my favorite-can't-afford-always-covet-never-actually-buy store.

One word.


Some day, after I've won the lottery I don't play, I'm going to shop at this store at will. I'm going to buy something in season, not on final clearance, and not feel bad about it. And still pay my mortgage.

Some day.

But until that day, let's just gaze together at the beauty that is that store. Shall we?

Because I'm a freeze baby who itches like a mad-woman in wool. Only cashmere and cotton in this beauty. Love-er-ly!

Are the buyers for this store stealing in to my dreams and nabbing all the beautiful things I wish for?? This couldn't be any more perfect for me if it had my name written across the front. Ooh, and incidentally I'm not a fan of things with my name inscribed across the front, so maybe don't put that on the list! :)

It's an lovely as any dress I've ever owned. An apron. Sigh.

Making my home look like Anthropologie?

Yes, I will have some of that. Just about the most adorable tea towels ever.

I'm not wiping up cupcake batter with these birdies!

And last, but certainly not least.

This list wouldn't be complete without a nod to cupcakes. The love of my life, behind my husband, dog, cats, and family members...oh, and my Kitchen Aid stand mixer.

Ok, so ONE of the loves of my life.

Ah, little cupcake.

Have I got a treat for you.

Your very own pedestal.

A queen on her throne.

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back at it!

Hello friends!

It's been too long.

And I've been a bad blogger girl.

I'm sorry for the delinquency. So...very...sorry.

I will not bore you with the silly reasons why I've been too busy to blog.

I will simply implore you to read the above apology as many times as it's necessary to forgive me and then simply move on.

I'm going to.

Come with me!

First, let me say THANK YOU to Ben for fixing my sad, broke-down, pathetic excuse for a blogger layout!

I Thank you Ben!

My 3 followers Thank You Ben!

And Scene.

Chapter Two.

Guess what?

I've been baking. Oh, have I been baking!

My latest yumscrumptiousness was a double layer pumpkin cheesecake with a gingersnap crust and a homemade caramel topping.

Yes, dear ones, you want some of that. Believe me. Even those of you on a diet NEED some of that.

I am proud of that little creation.

More so because I managed to conquer homemade salted caramel with nary a tear or blood stain. Remember the post about Salted Caramel Frosting? It wasn't pretty!

But I went. I swirled. I conquered.

It was truly a Christmas miracle come early.

And now that I am confident in my caramel-making skills I will be playing with that sweet little recipe every chance I get!

Sadly there are no pictures of my beautiful cheesecakey creation. And the reasons are three-fold.

1. Our camera hasn't really been the same since we dropped it in Mexico. RIP trusty camera.

2. My hubby's male co-workers dug in, devoured it and cleaned it up in a span of less than 20 minutes.

3. Ok, so maybe the reasons were two-fold. But that just didn't seem right!


I'll be baking a lot in the coming weeks (parties, and holidays, and catering events galore!!) and I promise to snap a few pictures of some of what I throw together.

Until then, I think my next post might be on Christmas gifts. Is it too early to start talking about Christmas?

If so, maybe don't stop back for another few weeks. I have a feeling it's going to jolly, and merry and bright around here for a while!
