Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kate's BakeShop

Those who know me know that I love to bake.

I bake what I love.

I love to bake what I love.

You get the idea.

Me and baking...we are friends.

And in honor of that love I've started a little, tiny, new-born-baby, side business.

It's called Kate's BakeShop.

Cute, no?

I'm doing cupcake catering and loving absolutely every single crumbly moment of it!

And one day I'm hoping my tiny, baby business will grow into a full blown grown up business for me. Cupcakes every day!!

To that end I've started a blog, solely dedicated to baking. I'll still probably use this blog for Leonard Life updates, but all my baking stuff will be here:


Read on readers!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear Santa,

It's here, it's here, get the door!

Christmas is just around the corner.

As a matter of fact, I just checked.

It's exactly 38 days from today!

A combination of horror and excitement just shot through me.

How about you?

So I thought it might be fun to whip out a little Christmas list.

A wish list if you will of all the fun products that are just waiting on the store shelves for Santa to pick out, wrap up and place under the tree for me.

That's assuming that our tree is still standing at that point and two naughty cats haven't leaped into it sending it crashing to the floor.

Let's assume.

And because I really am 85 years old and would love nothing more than to hang around my house in my pearls and apron all the live long day, I want this beauty!

Look how shiny and vintage!! Love, love, LOVE!

Makes me want a smoothie right now.

And then because there might be a few molecules of my DNA that are girlie and adore anything feminine and delicate, with just a hint of weird or edge...I love this shop:

Peaches4me's on etsy.

Go there and look at this lovely item (and others of course!) Don't steal my necklace...get your own!

Of course, all those vintage-inspired modern pieces made me think of my favorite-can't-afford-always-covet-never-actually-buy store.

One word.


Some day, after I've won the lottery I don't play, I'm going to shop at this store at will. I'm going to buy something in season, not on final clearance, and not feel bad about it. And still pay my mortgage.

Some day.

But until that day, let's just gaze together at the beauty that is that store. Shall we?

Because I'm a freeze baby who itches like a mad-woman in wool. Only cashmere and cotton in this beauty. Love-er-ly!

Are the buyers for this store stealing in to my dreams and nabbing all the beautiful things I wish for?? This couldn't be any more perfect for me if it had my name written across the front. Ooh, and incidentally I'm not a fan of things with my name inscribed across the front, so maybe don't put that on the list! :)

It's an lovely as any dress I've ever owned. An apron. Sigh.

Making my home look like Anthropologie?

Yes, I will have some of that. Just about the most adorable tea towels ever.

I'm not wiping up cupcake batter with these birdies!

And last, but certainly not least.

This list wouldn't be complete without a nod to cupcakes. The love of my life, behind my husband, dog, cats, and family members...oh, and my Kitchen Aid stand mixer.

Ok, so ONE of the loves of my life.

Ah, little cupcake.

Have I got a treat for you.

Your very own pedestal.

A queen on her throne.

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back at it!

Hello friends!

It's been too long.

And I've been a bad blogger girl.

I'm sorry for the delinquency. So...very...sorry.

I will not bore you with the silly reasons why I've been too busy to blog.

I will simply implore you to read the above apology as many times as it's necessary to forgive me and then simply move on.

I'm going to.

Come with me!

First, let me say THANK YOU to Ben for fixing my sad, broke-down, pathetic excuse for a blogger layout!

I Thank you Ben!

My 3 followers Thank You Ben!

And Scene.

Chapter Two.

Guess what?

I've been baking. Oh, have I been baking!

My latest yumscrumptiousness was a double layer pumpkin cheesecake with a gingersnap crust and a homemade caramel topping.

Yes, dear ones, you want some of that. Believe me. Even those of you on a diet NEED some of that.

I am proud of that little creation.

More so because I managed to conquer homemade salted caramel with nary a tear or blood stain. Remember the post about Salted Caramel Frosting? It wasn't pretty!

But I went. I swirled. I conquered.

It was truly a Christmas miracle come early.

And now that I am confident in my caramel-making skills I will be playing with that sweet little recipe every chance I get!

Sadly there are no pictures of my beautiful cheesecakey creation. And the reasons are three-fold.

1. Our camera hasn't really been the same since we dropped it in Mexico. RIP trusty camera.

2. My hubby's male co-workers dug in, devoured it and cleaned it up in a span of less than 20 minutes.

3. Ok, so maybe the reasons were two-fold. But that just didn't seem right!


I'll be baking a lot in the coming weeks (parties, and holidays, and catering events galore!!) and I promise to snap a few pictures of some of what I throw together.

Until then, I think my next post might be on Christmas gifts. Is it too early to start talking about Christmas?

If so, maybe don't stop back for another few weeks. I have a feeling it's going to jolly, and merry and bright around here for a while!


Monday, October 12, 2009

Food Fight!

Salted Caramel Frosting is not the boss of me.

At least, not anymore.

You see, SCF (as I like to call him) and I had a little fight.

There were some words exchanged.

And a bitter smell was emitted (the fault of SCF, not mine, thank you very much).

And a burned pan of salted caramel disgustingness (it's a word!) was washed down the sink with what I'm sure was an overload of hot water and dish soap.

But I've calmed down now.

I've made peace with the gooey, charred disaster.

And I'm ready for a re-match.

It's sad, because it all started out so nicely.

There was this Skippy-tastic pan of peanut butter batter. I definitely licked the spoon...twice.

And then they emerged from the oven. Ahh, peanut butter goodness, with a domed top!

There are a few smells in life that make me truly happy. Peanut butter baking in my oven is one of them.

Then (and I don't have a picture of this), Ms. Martha Stewart provided me with the most divine marshmallow filling recipe that didn't include the words 'marshmallow fluff' and thus made me exquisitely happy!

I added ingredients, I stirred, and stirred, and stirred. And Voila! Fluffy, ooey, gooey, marshmallow goodness with just the right hint of vanilla. Mmmmmm.

I scooped all that white fluffy goodness into a piping bag, used the 'coning' method to remove the centers of my cupcakes (look it up, you'll thank me!), and piped it right there into the center of my pb cuppies!

And this is where the tragedy happened.

My amber colored sugar that was supposed to turn into caramel quickly turned to more of a cherrywood, and then, straight to black. And the smell!

Oh people!

May I suggest that you NEVER burn caramel in your house! Take my word on this one.

Anyways, one more failed attempt at my own, never-fail caramel recipe had me saying goodnight to my kitchen (dirty dishes and all) and waiting for the new day to provide a new solution.

And did it ever!

A quick peek into my fridge at 5:30 am told me I had some peanut butter cream frosting left over from my last baking adventure. And my cupboards produced some salted peanuts and caramel candies.

I cheated by melting the caramels in the micro with a bit of milk, smashed the heck out of the peanuts with a butcher's knife, and threw the whole mess on top of the pb frosting.


Now, I didn't actually get a taste of these lovelies, but I've heard from reliable sources (boys!) that they were yum-my.

To you, Salted Caramel Frosting, I say: Well played, but we shall meet again! I declare a food fight!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just a quick one...

I am writing out of pure desperation.

And a little bit of peer pressure.

I haven't posted a blog in almost a month.

A MONTH! And I've heard from several of you that you've been checking.

I'm sorry. Truly I am.

September ran away from me.

But not before smacking me in the face and giving me the finger.

I feel like I've accomplished nothing! And with October less than 12 hours away I will be glad to say a hearty good riddance to September.

Now, September brought our first wedding anniversary and an absolutely FANTASTIC (with a capital F!) honeymoon/anniversary vacation in Mexcio. And for that I feel truly blessed and am VERY thankful.

However, the old "To Do" list is laughing at me and sneering at the number of things unchecked.

Dirty little "To Do" list!

Life changes, transitions, and 3 jobs seem to be getting in the way of writing...and baking.

But don't worry, I promise to be back at it soon.

Wanna' know when? Tonight!

I am making individual Cookies N Cream Cheesecakes for a little girly get-together at my place tomorrow.

Mmmmm...smooth, creamy cheesecake, wrapped around chocolatey sandwich cookie bits. And there will probably be a chocolate ganache drizzle. Because why wouldn't there be?

How is that ever bad??

It's not I tell you. It's cream-tastic!

And I'm thrilled to be baking again...and blogging again!

Welcome back!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Exciting Transitions!

I simply cannot believe that it's the first Thursday of September!

That's fall people.


As in, apple picking, and pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, and spice cookies, and apple turnovers.

Why am I not in the kitchen right now!?!?!

Anyways, September is a month of transitions in the Leonard home.

Exciting, scary, life-changing transitions.

NOT baby transitions. Don't even go there!

More on that later.

But for now know this.

Fact: My blog template is still black.
Fact: Several of you have very nicely suggested that it's an easy fix.
Fact: Several of you are WRONG.
Fact: The layout tab on my blogger account is missing. Yep, missing. I somehow deleted it.
Fact: I am creating a new template, from scratch as we speak, er...type...and read.

Those are the facts.

Soon, very soon this blog will be no more and you will be directed to a fancy new blog with updated photos (already taken!) and a streamlined layout.

All about cupcakey goodness!

And other baking goodness, of course!

And you and others will have a sneak peak inside my tiny-cake world...and even the chance to sample some of my new creations.

The latest test?

Chocolate cupcakes with ripe raspberry filling, dipped in dark chocolate ganache and topped with vanilla buttercream frosting.

I'm not gonna lie. They were pretty stinkin' fantastic.

Like, lick my plate clean fantastic.

Like, have a cupcake for breakfast a mere 9 hours after the last cupcake fantastic.

And here's just a teaser.

My next creation is based on the Pearson's Salted Nut Roll.

Seriously, just go on a diet now.

Keep watching. I'll post again soon.

Right after I figure out how to work Photoshop!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Congratulations! You made it past the Lady Doctor!!

You came back!

I'm so proud of you for venturing back to this blog after I mentioned the...ummm...*cough*...lady doctor.

So proud of you!

See, we really are friends!

Well, friend, let me catch you up to speed on the Leonard Life.

Mr. Leonard, the manly head of the Leonard household, put his tremendous brain power together with his impressive ability to build anything out of nothing and built a motorcycle!

And it runs!

There were many exciting (and terrifying) moments in the garage and alley behind our house in the gee-toe this weekend and I could not be more proud of him for the finished product!

Check it out here. Motorcycle bike...with a wicked good lookin' man at the controls! Yes, please!

And while he built, I held a boutique, baked, went to a fabulous bridal shower and lunched at Papa's (for $4!) with a great friend. Ok, let me just stop here and proclaim...

If you live in Minnesota, and you haven't been to Papa's, go. Wait! Finish this blog, then go. Pack up your babies, or your husband, or a few girlfriends and head down to Thomas and 41st in North Minneapolis and order a bunch of food! Oh, and get a bottle of wine - most days they're half off from 5-7 pm!

Just do it! You won't regret it!

Wait!! If you're going, call me, I'll come too!!

Moving on.

So, all this domestic and wedded bliss has me once again dreaming of crafts and scheming nesty-type schemes for my home. Want to know what they are??

Break it down...

I bought this bench for our entryway. Yeah! Decorating progress! Those cushions are sad and need to be replaced immediately. I think I smell another craft in the smells delicious.
THIS is what I"m going to do with the vast expanse over our buffet in the dining room. Man, we're gonna' have to take more pictures.

I WILL finish painting our bathroom this weekend! My apologies to everyone who had to see it "mid-scrape-and-paint". Come over for a cupcake and a look at the finished know, sometime next week...or maybe the week after!

I'm working on finishing my skirt, and have plans for a few more headbands, (PLUS, a secret project!), and if I get ambitious enough, a set of curtains!

I'm still deciding on fabric for those curtains. I know, I know! Make up my mind already!!

I'll probably just end up at IKEA or BB&B with a curtain panel in one hand and a curtain rod in the other; half ashamed at not making them myself, half gleeful over not making them myself. :)

Yep, that sounds about right.

Don't judge me.

Alright now. I think that just about rounds out our life. You throw in a 50-lb baby who apparently has allergies (poor Beau-baby!), two of the naughtiest well behaved cats I've ever met, a gunshot or two from the neighborhood and you've got a pretty decent snapshot of our lives.

You're right, there's probably a pile of laundry in that snapshot too.

Have a Happy Tuesday! Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

That's what I have to say about that!

So many things to discuss.

And so much time to do it!

Oh, I could clean my house for the plethora of visitors who will adorn our couches this week. But I'm not going to.

I could plot out our dinner menus for the week so we don't end up with $5 Little Caesar's pizzas and hot dogs on our plates. But I'm not going to do that either.

Right now I have a few things to share with you.

So here goes.

I got a haircut this week. One with style and everything. There are layers. And bangs. And no split ends....or at least fewer split ends. And I LOVE it! A little part of me wanted to strut down the street tossing my head from side to side, allowing the wind to take my strands on a walk about my head, as if in a dance of joy. And I'm not sure why, but while picturing this scene I hear "Who wears short skirts?" playing in the background. Yeah, I don't know why. It's just what I hear. And I don't wear short skirts, but that's a catchy little tune!

I also had one too many doctor's appointments this week and I have a few letters to write. They look something like this.

Dear Facilities Staff at North Clinic,
This delicate paper gown I've been assigned is not exactly wind and cold resistant. A slight hike to the frigid air temperature in the exam rooms would be appreciated. I'm not asking for a tropical environment. Anything warmer than frozen tundra would be great. I'm just saying, I shaved this morning and this isn't really helping the situation. You know what I mean?

And also...

Dear Lady Doctor,
When you "suggest" I disrobe and don aforementioned paper "gown", maybe explain that you don't actually intend for me to put it on. Instead, maybe, just maybe, explain that I'm only supposed to drape it over me, knowing full well that what you've given me wouldn't cover the hind end of my 8 lb. cat. Because you see, when I mistakenly try to wrap 6 square inches of paper fabric around my curvaceous frame, I end up awkwardly curled up on the exam table, legs, arms and head tucked in the "duck and roll" position, trying desperately to keep everything covered, which is, in fact, impossible to do since I've ripped said 6-inch square paper straight down the middle while wrestling it into submission. So when you come in smiling and end up laughing once you see my predicament, know that I embrace what dignity I have left and blame you.

The end.

Oh, and I baked again.

And I'm baking tonight.

And I'm baking on Thursday.

Plus, there's a skirt in the works, a bread machine that is calling out for a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread, and a house full of bare walls that are screaming for picture collages and art from Home Goods!

All good things. All in good time.

Ta ta for now!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cup takes the Cake

So I still haven't figured out how to fix my blog template.

Alright, I haven't even TRIED. It's true.

I'm busy. And since I know you're busy too, I think you'll cut me some slack. I mean, you didn't even really have time to stop and read this blog did you? What else should you be doing right now? Hmmmmm?

Wait, don't go away!! Stay. Grab a cup-o-lemonade...a big, frothy beverage, and take a minute to relax. I'm going to. Let's enjoy some silence together.

No. That's not right. Let's talk!

Let's talk about food!!

Oh food, hello food. Welcome. Sit a spell. You have friends here.

Specifically, let's talk cupcakes.

I love cupcakes.

I LOVE cupcakes.

And the more I make, the more I love. And the more I love, the more I make. I think you get the idea.

Well, this cupcake love has turned into a slight obsession and now I have the urge to bake, bake, bake cupcakes of all shapes, sizes, flavors and frostings!

I have a request for bridal shower cupcakes for Thursday night and I literally laid awake last night dreaming up cupcakey combinations!

I plotted, I planned, I frosted in my head. And I came up with...

Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

I know. That's not exciting but, here it comes...

wait for it...

Burgundy Fondant Roses!!


I've never worked with fondant before! What am I thinking??

I'm nervous, and excited...and planning a "test run" tonight.

I found a recipe for Marshmallow Fondant (which is supposed to be yummier than store bought fondant). And since I spit on the idea of pretty cupcakes that taste bad...I will try it out. I mean seriously, what is the point of a gorgeous cupcake that tastes bad?? It's all about the flavor people. If allowed, I'd just take frosting in one hand, cake in the other, smoosh 'em together and shove them right into my mouth.

And of course there's inspiration.

So here it is:
Do you feel the love?

These delectable and astoundingly beautiful cupcakes were made by Bakerella. A truly talented woman, and an addictive blog. I stalk. I stalk with fervor!

I'll let you know how it goes. And I'll post pictures.

Sometime before the New Year.

I promise!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

24...hours that is.

I found the fabric! Yes indeed I did.

I found the fabric for my dining room curtains. Well, at least the front side of them.

I'm still on the hunt for a surprisingly, sneekily, adorable lining for their cute little backsides.

But I have an accomplice in on this hunt and she's very talented, so I'm confident we'll have a delicious curtain concoction cooked up very soon.

And then, oh ladies, watch out. Let the sewing begin! The cuteness will be painful.

Until then, know this.

I have been baking. And taking pictures.

And neglecting to post said pictures here. And now I have a compilation of many days.

But if you didn't know it, they might all be the same day at my house.

So, for fun, let's pretend they are.


A Day in the Life of the Leonard's.

A veritable 24 hours of adventure!

Here we go...

Good morning! It's 6 am and the evil one isn't even pretending not to sit on the stovetop.

And where's the fat one? In a box, naturally.

And after leaping down off the stove, it's down to the basement to roll around in spider webs and dust piles.

Wait a minute. Don't we have another pet. Oh, the dog. He's out in the yard, playing fetch.

Fast forward a bit to dinner time. Corn dog fried goodness. Don't even pretend you won't be at our house for State Fair food night.

And I don't even apologize for the frying. Everything about these was right.

Girl Scout Cookie Imposters. Close your eyes. You won't know the difference, I promise. Chocolate Dipped, Peanut Buttery Yumscrumptious!

And maybe on this day it happens to be my honey's 29 birthday.

Vroom, Vroom!

Were you worried there weren't going to be any strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting? Here they are!

And now it's about time for a stray to find it's way into our yard. It happens all the time. This one was particularly adorable.


Rusty needed someone to teach about motorcycle engines.

It's a good life.

And now I don't feel bad about neglecting the pictures.

There now. You've seen them.

Ta ta!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fat Quarter Field Trip

I'm going on a field trip with my BF Jules.

We don't have a bus or anything...that's not very economical...and also not as cool as the Night Rider and good ole' Mica (our respective rides).

But I still think we should sing school girl songs, play hand clapping games (down, down baby, down by the roller coaster...) and maybe even pack a brown-bag snack.

We're heading to Fat Quarter Quilts, perhaps the cutest store EVER!

Our mission?

Fabric for curtains. My curtains. My DINING ROOM curtains to be exact.

Now, I still don't even know how to thread my machine. But I'm convinced that with beautiful fabric in my possession I will be spurred on to thread and spin and sew!

Want to see my inspiration? Of course you do! Hide your pocketbooks ladies, you might get inspired too!


Yum Squared...

Seriously, somebody take my wallet!

Thanks once again Anthropolgie for the tempting, but too rich for my budget, eye candy. It was delicious!

But have no fear budget fashionista's! I have Anthropologie visions, on a Walmart budget...and I will be victorious!

Stop back for mission updates.

Oh, and I have new pictures of recent baking adventures. Think motorcycles made out of candy and birthday cupcakes!

Pictures soon!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm not as smart as I thought!

So I tried to change my Blogger template.

big mistake.


I lost all of my saved changes and settings.

So now I have a black background, no fun graphics and definitely no new look.

I'm bummed.

And feeling defeated by the computer...a machine...and not even a particularly fancy one.


I'll try again after work and hopefully by the time you all read this it will be fixed.

Cross your fingers.

And your toes...for good measure.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Penguin Cupcakes!!!
At a recent stop into my local Home Goods store I found myself in the baking aisle (shocker!) and was immediately drawn to the stack of cookbooks. And what did I find there??? Hmmmm???

Well I will tell you! There sat a deliciously adorable book entitled, "Hello Cupcake". You HAVE to get this book! Puppies, panda bears, little people in blankets, corn on the cob...all made out of cupcakes.

And for just over $10 I will have a book that gives me step by step instructions on how to make penguin cupcakes!

My nephew picked these out of the book for his birthday and I got right to work. Six hours later they were finished...but not perfect. Let me enlighten you on some tips I picked up while embarking on my first themed-cupcake adventure!

1. Nothing is ever as easy as it looks in the book!

2. Cut and shaped Starburst candies (the beaks and feet) WILL pick up the crumbs of ANYTHING in their path, making them appear as though your penguins have been playing in the dirt! Not a particularly appetizing look.

3. A one-hour car ride to your birthday destination is not conducive to stacked cupcakes of any kinds. Slippery little suckers!

4. Canned melted frosting (I know, canned, ew, but it was what the recipe called for) takes FOREVER to dry. And by forever I mean longer than I had time to wait!

5. Penguins in any shape or form (even slightly lumpy, melty ones) are adorable!

And now I'm inspired to make all kinds of little confectionery creations. With this book and my overactive imagination my kitchen will soon be filled with cupcakes of many different shapes and sizes. And I"ll have the pictures here to prove it!

Bake on, bakers!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Shop, Shop, Shop It Up!

I'm looking for a new style. Correction: I NEED a new style! Currently I have a, "Too Busy to Care" look going on...and that just isn't going to cut it. I hesitate to admit that I still have clothes in my closet that I purchased more than 5 years ago...on a discount retailer...and they weren't that cute even when I bought them! My shoe collection is less of a collection than it is a pile. The backs of my running shoes are broken, my beloved patent leather slip-ons have holes in them (and so do my leopard print slippers and several of my shirts!), and I've resigned myself to Good-Willing a couple of sweaters that I'm convinced my grandma would refuse to wear! Who gave me that Norwegian sweater with the decorative clasps anyways? If it was you, just know that I thought it was lovely that I put it away in a special place...only to be worn for special when Jesus comes back.

And let me just throw out there that I'm working my way towards my 30's (geez, first my weight and now my age...I'm just all about embarrassing myself in this blog!) and the enticement of cropped sweaters and ripped jeans is wearing off. The goal here is to dress appropriately for my age without adding to my wardrobe anything with a high waist, an appliqued picture, or gold studs. Seriously, is there a handbook for women over 50 that states that you MUST own something that has been dipped, dunked, or be-dazzled with gold?? I refuse to buy that handbook when I'm old enough to have one. I refuse!

I want to be a Gap girl. Truly I do! I want to have effortless style and grace, simply floating around in my whisper thin flip-flops and my over-sized white cotton tee. Like this girl, for instance. She's adorable in her floppy hat, no-frills white button down and chunky sandals. You put me in that outfit and you get a WHOLE different look. I look like I should be pushing a shopping cart, filled with garbage and muttering incoherently about jelly donuts.
I just don't pull off the "relaxed, fuss-free, girl on the go" look so well. I'm not really comfortable in nothing more than a t-shirt and jeans. It just looks a little sloppy on me. I need to accessorize! I like lace, and details, and color! Oh, and if I could wear a dress EVERY DAY, I totally the summer! In the winter I will wear a parka, and boots, and a hat, and gloves...ok, you get the picture!

Here, THIS is much more the style concept that I embrace! Why do those Anthropologie people insist on asking $158 for this dress?? It's cotton and thread people, cotton and thread!!

Or how about this yummy, buttery top? Kind of makes you want to lick it, doesn't it?? Anyone want to take a trip to Francesca's Collections with me? With a $24.00 price tag, I will take TWO!

Oh, and since I can now add my favorite Roxy flip-flops to the list of "Things that have been in my dogs mouth and torn apart by his teeth"...I need new shoes too! I'm hoping that list stops with the shoes or my doggie might be seeing the wrong end of a rolled-up newspaper a lot more than he'd like!

Who wants to go shopping with me?? Come on ladies, you know you want to!!!

I need partners in crime who don't mind an all out shopping adventure, complete with brownies and diet coke...and SEVERAL hours of intense shopping! I don't mean to scare you with the word intense, but if you've ever seen me near a sales rack you know what I'm talking about. If it ends in .97 get out of my way!!

So, if you're up for the challenge let's get shopping!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Singing in the rain!

I walked the five miles into work today. In the rain. Carrying a cake pan full of mini lemon cupcakes.

It was so fun! I hummed, I plotted out new baking adventures, I daydreamed a little bit, and I enjoyed the gorgeous, cool morning breeze.

And on my way I was greeted by a little old man on a bike who slowed down just long enough to give me a cheeky grin and exclaim, "Happy Birthday!" before pedaling off into the distance. Adorable! My only guess here is that he saw the cake pan and assumed I had baked myself a cake for my special day. Or he was crazy. Either way he kind of made my day!

So, this Wednesday (which is my Friday - thank you holiday week!) I'm rocking a baseball cap, no make-up and my yoga work... and I feel amazing!

Girls with sneakers...and baked goods...unite!

Happy 4th everyone!

Ta ta!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yummy Squared!

I always have good intentions to post pictures. Truly I do. And then I see a shiny object and I'm off again.

So, there are no pics of us in our matching sweatsuits at the gym...because we're not 80 and we don't own sweat suits! But here are some pics of recent baking excursions at Casa de Leonard.

Bake on bakers!

Cupcake Cheeseburgers!
Go ahead, get out there and buy the next size up in're gonna' need 'em!

And what is a cheeseburger without an order of fries. Fries made out of sugar cookie dough, that is!

And for dessert I will have mini turtle cheesecakes. Yes, I will!

I also made mini lemon cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting and candied lemon peel for a party last night...but the pics of those are as of yet non-existent. Too much partying, not enough picturing! I will snap some when I get home. Cross you fingers they turn out because they're adorable and you want to see them! :)

My new obsession?

Anything in miniature form.

I've got to find me one of those garden gnomes!

Chow for now...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We're In the Club!

The bag is packed, the bottle is full and we're ready to work out! Yes, I said WE! The hubby and I have joined a gym! Do you hear the harps in the background? I'm pretty sure the angels are singing! It's a lifelong (or at least year long) dream come true...and I'm delighted!

Technically we're still in our trial period...but we're joining it up and working it out! Thank you to Medica and Blue Cross, Blue Shield for a $40 discount off our $60 monthly dues. Yes, yes, we will have a gym membership for $10/person each month! How crazy is that???!!! At that price we can afford to be svelte and sculpted for our Mexico vacation! Oh, and we can add on a tanning package for only $15 month. Don't think we won't be doing that before we hit up the blazing hot Mexico-ian sun...because we so will!!

Today is our first day. We each packed our bags before we left the house this morning (he at the crack of just a few half-hours later) and we're going to meet at the gym after work. There will be squatting and lunging and running (that's all me) and lifting and pulling and pressing (that's be my man). And there will be sweat! Oh, and we couldn't have picked a better day to work out in an air-conditioned gym since it's supposed to be 95 degrees here today (with a heat index of 105!) But don't worry ladies of the running club, we're still hiking it up tonight! Bring water!

So, I'll let you know how it goes...and I'll try to post pictures. I'm not sure how the gym feels about cameras...they're probably not fans. But I'll be sneaky and grab at least one of us in our workout duds! Woo hoo!!

Oh, and I PROMISE I have fun pictures of recent baking adventures that I'll post soon...I just need to get them off the camera and onto that neat little memory stick thingy.

Adventures away!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Big Plans!

Well I lasted about a week on the "no sugar" kick. Seriously, who am I kidding? But the craft bug is still whispering sweet nothings in my ear. And sometime this week I need to take some measurements for curtains, learn how to thread my sewing machine (thank you online manuals!), and skip on over to Fat Quarter Quilts for some of their deliciously addictive fabrics!!

Oh my, I'm getting excited just thinking about it! Last night I had my sweet hubby hang art in our dining room and now I can finally see the 'decor' starting to take shape.

Now all I need is a trip to Zimmerman, MN to visit an antique store or two and I'll have a buffet for the dining room and (fingers crossed) a storage bench for my front entryway. Ooh, I bet that bench is going to need pillows! Hello crafts!

I have abandoned the idea of making my own rug. Visions of cats using it as their new scratching post and the dog mistaking it for his new "throwing up place" made me re-think labor intensive crafts at feet level. I'll just watch my local Menards store for a fantastic deal on a remnant or an area rug and Save Big Money! :)

Warning: I am now obsessed with the idea of making my own accessories! Think funky headbands and vintage cuffs and bracelets! Yum!

And this is all in addition to the new business I'm starting as a Butterfly Boutique Coordinator! Do you need a fabulous handbag or a one-of-a-kind jewelry set? How about some home fragrance or beauty supplies? I've got you covered!

I'm having a boutique at my house on Monday, June 29 at 7 pm and you're invited! Come shop with us! I'm baking, so they'll not only be eye-candy...there's a good chance there will be actual candy! Hey, then you can have a sneak peak at my newly decked-out love nest!

Email me if you need my address or directions from your place (

Happy Adventuring!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So, I have this great idea!

These six little words seem harmless...but they rule my life. I am an idea maker. I make ideas. And then I share these brain bursts with others, spilling idea juice out all over the place! There's excitement and jubilation over this new idea, there's much resolve and grand illusions (or disillusions) of victory and accomplishment...for about a week. And then reality hits and I realize that rock hard abs aren't attainable when your favorite food is brownies, books don't write themselves, and cute little puppies turn into bumbling, messy, neurotic BIG dogs!

And yet reality never seems to detour me from my next big idea. Oh, and I'm not immune to sharing YOUR big idea. Oh no! If you have a great idea that you share with me and the excitement pony (that lives in my brain) saddles up to your idea, I will take it and ride! I will embrace your idea as my own and run, run like the wind towards a usually unrealistic goal. And I love every moment of it! It makes my life adventurous, fun, and unpredictable. And I am a fan of all three of those things! Ah, and it incorporates another of my favorite addictions: Change! Sweet, delicious, candy coated change. Yum-scrumptious!

And it's been about two weeks or so since my last big idea of putting down the cookies (pretty sure I was eating a cookie before I was done typing that post) and shaping up. And this morning my mirror proclaimed that I still looked the same as two weeks ago, same thighs, same tummy, same, same, same. Ah well, onward and forward, and upward!

I have a NEW idea. Well, actually I have two. And they're completely unrelated to each other. Yeah, that should be fun!

Share time? Is it share time yet? I want to show and tell! Pick me, pick MEEE!!!

Great Idea #1 (thank you to the Allison's for this one)
No sugar for a month.

Did you gasp? Were you shocked? Did you drop your fruit snack right onto your computer keyboard? I know, it's a lofty goal. And I've already failed a little bit this morning. You see, while hiking it around the GV with my running club (Hi girls!) Allison and I decided to take the other Allison's challenge to cut sugar out of our diets for a month (I know, too many Allison's...but what can I do? I know! I could rename them!). Allison 1 is now Sugar (because she's honestly the sweetest person I know!). Ok, so Sugar and I agreed to undertake this massive goal, holding each other accountable and encouraging one another. Hold the phone! I forgot to mention that we're also not allowed to eat any refined or processed foods. No chips, crackers, white bread, bakery goods, etc. My fridge is going to need a total makeover!! And that takes me back to my failure. So, it was too late to hit up the g-store after our run so I woke up this morning and realized I had nothing to eat! I cheated a little bit by having an english muffin. I feel better about that than the Peanut Butter Cap'N Crunch XL Family Size box I was eyeing the minute my slippered feet hit the hardwood this morning. By the way, does anyone NEED a box of Cap'N Crunch? Cause I know of a XL Family Size box that isn't going to get any lovin' at my house for a month! But I have big plans to bound into the ghetto Cub by my house and shop it up this afternoon, so I'll be back on track soon.

Great Idea #2

My poor husband. He really should get an award or a sticker for living with a woman who is constantly exclaiming, "Honey, you know what we should do???" Such a good man!

Anywhoo, the other day I was staring at the vast expanse under our dining room table and realized that somewhere in the recesses of my brain I had filed a picture of a hand-painted rug. In some craft brochure, or some Good Homes Better Housekeeping Ladies Journal, or a random article on I encountered instructions on how to design your own rug...and I LIKED it. This little image popped into my brain and has hence been stuck there on repeat. And with it have come all these great ideas for jewelery and hats, and curtains, and pillows, and aprons, and summer dresses (thanks mostly to a day of antiquing and shopping painfully adorable stores in small towns with my mom and sis).

For some this doesn't sound like such a grand idea, but there are several reasons why crafts are an adventure for me. I don't know how to make any of these things...I have virtually no crafting supplies at my house (thanks to a pre-wedding clean out of my boxes 'o crapft [that's crap and craft mushed together - if you have these boxes, you know why])...and my calendar suggests I do not have TIME to be creative. Nevertheless, I am convinced that by the end of the summer my house will be a little sparklier, a little homeier, and a lot more decorated-er!! Sorry about that last one, I felt pressure to add the {er} since that's how the other two words ended. :)

And somewhere in between these two ideas I need to paint the rest of the walls in my house, buy new furniture, get a second job, learn how to sew, bake bread in my fabulous neused (that's new-used!) bread machine, master cupcake decorating (stinkin' bakerella blog making me dream of delectable cupcake creations!), plan and take a vacation, sculpt a rock-hard physique through a disciplined regimine of running, cardio and strength training. Oh, and I HAVE to throw in some Hot Yoga too!

Whew! I'm tired just looking at all of that...oh wait, no I'm not! I'm super excited! I'm giddy, and giggly, and completely insane!! Who else is with me!?!?! Who LOVES a new challenge, a new adventure or a new goal???

Idea Girl!!! Netflix here I come!!
Sidenote: How cute is her dress????

Monday, June 1, 2009

Let there be sweat!

I am a bad blogger girl! I have abused my blog hiatus and now it's been more than a week since I've written anything longer than a grocery list or a note for my husband's lunch box. Where are the days going?

Apparently I've been consumed with reading other blogs, and working (ugh!), and sweating in hot yoga! Oh yes dear reader, your little eyes didst not deceive you! I have embarked upon a brand new adventure into the world of sweaty (yet surprisingly not smelly) bikram yoga. And let me tell you, it's deliciously addictive!

Last week my friend Allison, stunning, momma of three Allison, invited me to sweat and laugh and pose with her (for FREE) at Core Power Yoga. Not only did I accept this invitation, but I already had one leg in my yoga pants before I got off the phone! I do love me a little downward dog!

I loaded up my trusty blue yoga mat ($12.99 Target special!), slipped on my sandals, and headed out to sweat and pose my way to a better bod!

I got to the studio a bit before Allison and was treated to a tour of the facilities by the assistant manager (who, it turned out, was our instructor for the evening). She was one of those blonde Barbies who makes you seriously regret the fried chicken fingers you had for dinner and swear off anything sugar or carb related for at least a day or two! I'm pretty sure she wouldn't even know what a Skittle was if presented with the option to partake in it's lovely candy-coated fruity goodness. She'd probably just stick with her wheatgrass smoothie and her tofurkey burger. Ah, but she was beautiful. And I followed her around the building wondering if by the end of my yoga experience I'd look like a yoga goddess too. Here's to hoping!

I was shown the two classrooms (8 Limbs is the only name I could remember...but the other was something new-agey and silly too), the stunning locker rooms (complete with complimentary EVERYTHING!), and encouraged to observe silence in the studio. Ha! Oh, little quiet, blonde girl, if only you knew how startling that "request" was to me! We can't talk??? Oh man, what have I gotten myself in to??

After Allison arrived we chatted outside the studio for a brief moment, then slipped off our kicks and headed towards an hour of blood, sweat and tears. Ok, maybe I didn't think there'd be blood, but I was certain of the last two! Me of little faith; I didn't cry at all. In fact, several times I had to stifle laughter (honestly, you'd laugh too if faced with a sweaty man with a beer gut posed in King Frog four inches from your face). Plus, I'm pretty sure our instructor was just making up some of those pose names. Supta Baddha Konasana? That's from the Lion King, right? Oh no, wait, that's Hakuna Matata! Meh. It's all the same. Just tell me where to put my arms and legs...and give me a minute to wipe off my sweat!

As a runner and a slightly obsessive cardo exerciser, I am no novice sweat-mama. I can sweat with the big boys! I don't just get a girlie glisten. Oh no Nellie, I don't shine, I drip! But, I can honestly say that I've never sweat as much as I did those two nights in Hot Yoga. And I felt amazing! Now, brace yourself for an overshare, a veritable TMI moment: I didn't even smell bad! Imagine that! I was so sweaty that I actually had to sit on a towel in my car for fear of dripping sweat juices into my car's upholstery! And yet I could still smell my Victoria's Secret Vanilla Lace body spray wafting from my skin. I'm not sure how that happens, but I will take it!

And for all the posing and holding, and falling over (apparently my balance needs some work!), I wasn't sore or exhausted. The next day I could definitely feel the workout in my muscles, but it was a good sore, a detoxifying, healing sore!

I might be obsessed. I'm certainly addicted. And I have a dilema. What's in my wallet? Money for our mortgage, and our cars and even some groceries...but probably not $150/month for yoga. Why must health be so expensive??? What to do, what to do??

Maybe a professional yoga studio membership will have to wait until I win the lottery, but that doesn't mean I can't search the Twin Cities for other great fitness deals. Ooooh, that sounds like a new challenge for me! I like it!

Ok, consider this my first gift to you: Click on this link and print out the coupon for one week of FREE yoga (really! No strings attached - go sweat!).

Core Power Yoga

And while you're working on that, I'll be working on my next adventure! Until then...Namaste!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bobbin' Away!

You're heard tales of motorcycle parts strewn about my house, and ramblings of a bike soon to be in existence, but as of yet still in skeletal form. You've listened patiently as I've ranted about my long-lost husband and the Bermuda triangle-type effect the garage has on the man I love. Oh wait, those rantings might just have been in my head. Oops, now they're public! :)

But today I got a little excited about this bike project of his...because today I got involved! Oh, I've done my fair share of holding bike tires, and commenting enthusiastically about shocks, and seats, and frames...but today I put a little bit of my flair on this project. No, I did not be-dazzle the bike (much as I would like to, I've been forbidden to enter the garage space with anything that can bejewel or bedazzle!).

I've been chronicling this process for Rusty with our trusty digital photo-maker and I've finally found the time to create a little blog spot of his own; a veritable boy's playground complete with photos! Ok, so right now it's ONLY photos. The real mechanic has to write the content. Because let's face it, if I wrote the content it would look something like this,

"The bike arrived today. She's pretty! Her paint is shiny, almost like diamonds. But she's dirty and needs a bath! We will take good care of her and turn her into the princess bike we know she can be!"

Not boy friendly phraseology!!

So, I will leave that part to Rusty, the boy. But, I will shamelessly plug his blog here A True Garage Bobber and tell you to go look at the pics I took of him in the geerauge (that's garage for all of you not native to MN!)...I think they're pretty neat!

Oh, and one more thing: What is our dog doing the whole time Rusty is working away with his man-skills?
I think this pretty much sums it up!....OR

If he's feeling brave enough to stand next to the scary metal machine...ah... a boy, and his bike, and his dog!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Before and After

My new workout DVD's haven't come in the mail yet (3 day shipping my foot!!), so I took to other forms of physical activity this weekend to fulfill my workout quota.

I painted my dining room!!

And because it should be very obvious that I enjoy a good "proof picture" that gives evidence to my hard work, I took some before and after shots to share with you.


Several things to note from these shots:

1. Yes, that's a homemade cat box feeder on our window sill (the dog thinks ANY food left at floor level is dog food...ridiculous doggie ideas!

2. The color looks quite a bit lighter in this picture than it actually is. It's pretty dark...not at all mint-like as it appears here. walls. Shudder!

3. Just know that the floating orbs in the picture are probably our resident ghost. We're pretty sure the house is haunted. Do you think he likes the new color???

I feel accomplished...and bruised! Standing backwards on a ladder for four hours will give a girl a nasty calf bruise for sure! Ahhh...sunless tanner here I come! The things that can be covered up by a little shimmery, gold glow!

Now I need to make curtains (I should probably learn how to sew first!), purchase some art (the one piece I already have looks like it's camouflage next to our lovely green walls!), and decorate it up!!

My evil plan to take over our house is almost complete!! All we need is some girlie chair coverings and a bouquet of flowers on the table and we'll be well on our way!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Cellu-less Plan!

I just finished another cookie and bought two new workout DVD's...literally at the same time. If you look closely enough you can still probably see a crumb or two on my desktop. Mmm...delicious, chocolately goodness!

I am truly a walking contradiction. I AM that commercial of the girl who runs miles and miles only to return home and open the fridge, taking a giant man-sized bite out of a slice of chocolate cake. Oh, except I don't have that girl's abs...or her fabulous thighs. But I want to!! Thus, the new DVD's!!

The little ADHD baby that lives in my brain gets bored very easily! She needs a new toy to keep her occupied. And even though I still love Bob and his Biggest Loser buddies, and I'm still rockin' out to Chalene and her Turbo Jam crew, I need some new inspiration...and a reason to haul my rear out of bed at 5 am. So, after recommendations from friends and some quick internet-research (thank you Amazon reviews!!!), I found these two workouts that will hopefully be shipped to my mailbox in the next 5 days.

Hey, does that mean I can eat cookies until then? Because really, I haven't started the DVD's yet...I might as well gain as much weight as I can from now until then so I'll have REALLY impressive results! Am I right? Who here thinks I'm right?? How about crazy? Can I get an Amen for crazy??

Right, focus Katie Ann! Here are the new flicks!

Ok, side note: I have never actually seen the Bravo show, "Workout" (because we don't have cable), so I don't know if I'm going to be super annoyed or totally ripped by the scary platinum lady on the cover. I'm hoping for the latter, but prepared for the former! But seriously, whatever that chick did to get abs like that, I want to do it too!! I do not, however, have any plans to purchase an outfit similar to hers. I'm not fond of space gear! And Jillian...ah, masculine, scary Jillian. What can I say, I'm a sucker for anything that looks like, sounds like or smells like the Biggest Loser! Oh, and I haven't seen the finale yet, DON'T spoil it for me! I have a tape sitting at home right now, waiting for me to dig up THREE hours to watch it!

So here's the thought process: New workouts = New motivation = New weight loss

That equation looks right, doesn't it? Hey, at least it looks better than this equation:

1 cookie + 2 brownies = 3 chins

I'll let you know how I like these new DVD divas, I'll be like your own personal Amazon Review! And you know I will! Because I've got to do something drastic people! I've got bikini's to fit in to!!

Wish me luck!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Over the river and through the woods...

I am officially one of those people! I am a girl who rides her bike to work!


I have waited so long to be that girl!! Years of living 21 miles and 3 highways away from my place of employment have made the "biker girl" dream an unrealistic and completely unattainable goal for me. Oh, and then throw in living in MN in the WINTER, and you've got a recipe for car-dwelling. Now, some girls are even more adventurous *cough* crazy than me and would have plotted out a path AROUND the city from their home in the upper 'burbs. Um, yeah. The bike girl dream just wasn't THAT important to me. Plus, I don't have an extra 3 hours in the morning to add to my commute. A girl's gotta have time for a latte!

Ok, back to today. Here's the proof that I arrived on my Trek, and not in my Mazda. Ta' da'!! Bike in the office!!

And, I have the helmet hair to prove it! Don't worry I brought a hat. Which I stashed in this handy backpack that Rusty dug out for me this morning. Seriously, when do adults ever wear backpacks???

So yes, I was that girl on the road, with the rolled up pant leg, the bike helmet and the over-sized backpack strapped to me...yes, STRAPPED! But I made it here with only slightly jelly-ified legs and my lunch and cranium in tact!

I am a little more concerned about the ride's basically ALL uphill...and it's supposed to rain.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm feeling sassy!

So I'm wearing this hat (which I bought at Target, but ISN'T on their website. For shame, Target, for shame!)

and rockin' these shoes (a little BCBG Girls treasure from a Marshall's visit a few years back)

and reading this blog (which I stole from the "On the Marquee" blog I stalk)
and I feel inspired and kicky today! Not kicky in a "I need to kick someone" kind of, that was yesterday. Today I'm feeling sassy and ready to take on Mother's Day baking, and Farmer's Market scouring, and dining room painting!! So many things on my list that I'm giddy about!!

I finally feel like I have time to tackle some items on the good 'ole "To Do" list that I actually WANT to do! I love it!

Oh, and it probably helps that the sun it shining outside, in all it's divinely warming glory; beaming little rays of sunshine directly into my eyeballs! Sunshine Love! It's like Smoothie Love, but warmer!

So even though my hubby's reliable memory stick thingy isn't talking to Daisy, my Dell, right at the moment, I'm going to choose to be okay with that and pinky swear that I'll post those promised pictures of adorable foodie creations (and some foodie mishaps) at a later date! Here's a sneak peek: We attempted to make an "Awesome Blossom" at Casa de Leonard a few nights ago. The product was less awesome than it was atrocious...but it was DELICIOUS! Don't worry, we have plans to perfect that recipe and when we do I will share with you the victorious recipe and it's fool-proof instructions. And by fool-proof I mean Katie-proof! Seriously, if I can do, so can you!!

Ok, quick life updates:

1. I still have motorcycle parts in my dining room. BUT, there is an actual motorcycle in the garage, so said parts will soon become an actual bike, and not just a moto-scooterbike-cyle skeleton. I'm documenting the whole process for my husband with pictures and I've created a blog for him, so I'll post that here when it's up and running.

2. I have managed to drop 4 lbs. Call it water weight, call it self-control. Whatever. I'm over it. I'm just glad I don't have to lay down to zip up my jeans. Jumping up and down while yanking on the zipper works just fine! Oh, and Kimberly, we will DEFINITELY still need to do that yoga-type exercise. I LOVE that idea! :)

3. May 15-17. Mark those dates on your calendar and set aside some time to pray for me! Ha! Ok, maybe it's not that dramatic. Those are the dates I have made up my mind to paint our dining room! Ah! The decision has been more changing my mind! Ok, I take it back, it is that dramatic, start praying NOW! :)

That's all I've got for now! Go forth and have adventures friends, oh and then tell me about them! I love a good story!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This will be random (as if any of my other posts are organized or purposeful!), but it just has to fly out of my fingers before it explodes in my brain. Seriously, this stuff drives me insane!

1. Hey, um, blonde girl in Target, wearing your sunglasses after dark. Wow, how do I say this tactfully? Yeah, I can see your thong above your white linen drawstring pants. That is your thong right? Because the possibility still remains that you misplaced your dental floss while practicing good oral hygiene this morning. I'm just saying it's a possibility. And while I'm asking questions, who do you think you're fooling buying ping-pong balls and large, plastic red cups at 8:00 pm? We all know where you're going..and it's not to church honey! Cause I know you didn't get all skanked up for Jesus! Just do me a favor and don't chip in for the beer, you're going to need that money to bail your skeezy 32-year old boyfriend out of jail at the end of the night. Trust me on this one.

2. And you, Mr. Cashier Man. I'm aware that ringing up my cat litter and toilet paper is not the highlight of your 21-year old life, but would it kill you to make eye contact? Maybe no one's told you, and in that case you should go home and punch your dad, giving him instructions to pass it on to your mom. If that's the case, by all means, allow me to be the first to let you in on a little secret, "You are in a customer service job. I am your customer. The very smallest level of service you can provide me is to look me in the eye when you talk to me...if you talk to me!" And more than that, you are a human being and common courtesy dictates at the very least a brief glance in my general direction. Maybe you should work on it, because right now your attitude is screaming, TarGet-Out!

Ok, I'm done for today. Check back tomorrow for a less violent blog. I'm pretty sure it's in here somewhere. There are pictures of cupcakes I made with the kiddos for Easter, there are stories of weight loss success, and decorating inspiration gone wild! I will channel some of that sparkly, flower-filled energy and slap it right into this tiny, bloggy space.

Happy Tuesday everybody!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

THE know, the one!

This is going to be quick, because I've got rock costumes to paint and staging to assemble, and music to memorize! Kid's Musical here we come!! But, I said I'd let you know my "PLAN" for working my way back down to an acceptable weight and I wanted to do that, if ever so briefly.

Here goes:

1. Put down the cookie (It's number ONE, I think you know why!)

2. Work out 5 days a week (three days down, two more to go this week)

3. Eat dark, leafy greens and sumptuous fruits (giving them delicious names makes them more desirable!)

4. Do NOT eat dessert 7 days a week (the first time I typed this I typed, "No desserts". Ha! Yeah, like that's going to happen. REALITY CHECK!)

5. Stay accountable by posting updates here

That should do it! I'm excited for this new adventure! I can't wait to see what I can achieve when I put my mind to it!! I love new challenges!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Share (and Show) and Tell

Stupid truth-telling bathroom scales! Personally, I am waiting for the day when they robotocize those things and give them brains. Yes, I know, robotocize is not a word, I'm ok with it. Anyways, your scale should be able to take one look at your sad, plump little face and understand that you simply can't handle the truth at 6 ' o clock in the morning. And they should LIE to you!

I imagine this is how that conversation would go:

Sally Scale:
"110 lbs this morning! Way to go, give yourself a pat on the back!"

Delusional Me:
"Oh my, thank you Sally, I will give myself a pat, and a cookie, because at 110 lbs I can afford a few extra desserts!"

You're right, maybe a lying scale is a bad idea. However, there's got to be a better solution because as of right now that brainless piece of metal (that I've named Sally so that she and I can be friends instead of enemies) only knows how to do one thing...move her tiny, black, tear-inducing, heartless, arrow higher and higher up the numbers scale. Each new pound solidifying what I've been feeling in my jeans for the last few weeks! Guess what? You really CAN'T lose weight by eating more and not working out. I know, it's shocking! But, I'm living proof of the reality of that statement! And since I'd rather not be the poster child for Women Against Movement of Any Kind, I'd better get my butt back into shape. Plus, I have great motivation.

Take a little gander at the unflattering photo below. Hey, look it's me, 5 years ago and almost 40 pounds heavier! And I promise, I did not scour my photo archive searching for a heinous picture to post...that's actually what I looked like, walking around the Earth in November of 2004. Now, to make myself feel better today (because let's be honest that I'm crabby and HUNGRY!), I've also posted a picture taken in the summer of 2008. That's pretty much what I look like about 8 lbs. Stinkin' brownies, cupcakes, and muffins!

November 2004

Summer 2008

And now it's April 2009 and where am I right now? Oh dear reader, I jumped on my trusty bathroom scale this morning and that tiny black arrow pointed to the numbers 1-3-4! What?!?! How is that possible? In just over a year I've managed to gain back 11 lbs of what took me so long and so many lunges and squats to take off!! I was horrified! And needless to say, I was motivated! I am now on a quest, my own personal quest, to rid myself of this extra weight and I'm dragging you all along!

I have shamelessly admitted my weight to the general public in hopes of gaining some accountability. I have made some goals (because if you read my previous post, you know how I like to set goals!!) and I think I'll share them with you! Man, I'm so good at sharing! I would totally get the BrownBird Girls patch for that one! (Anyone get the Friends reference there, anyone, anyone?)

1. Stick to my calorie plan (I won't bore you with the numbers, but just know I"ll probably be hungry a lot over the next few months. Don't you dare step foot in my office or home with anything chocolate covered, sugar dusted, or deep fried. I might eat you!)

2. Reach my goal of 20 boy push-ups by June 1. (I can only do 5 right now. Girl pushups? We are friends, I've got those covered, it's the up on my toes kind that make my arms wobble like weebles)


I think that last one sums it up nicely! Ha!

Alright, so I've set some goals, now I need a plan. I'll have to work on that later and get back to you. Believe me, there will be a list involved! A list that contains a lot of the word NO and absolutely no words that resemble, sound like, or are cousins to: cake, potato chips or bacon.

I feel good about it. I feel hungry...but I feel good. I welcome partners on my quest, and I also welcome suggestions and tips.

What has worked for you? How do you stay in shape? Do you want a running partner???