Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Hills are alive...

I'm a freak. It's true.

Sometimes I hide it well.

Sometimes it comes spilling out all over anyone standing within arm's reach.

But I embrace it.

I acknowledge it.

And then I try to analyze it.

Take this for instance...

This weekend I watched Julie & Julia AND an episode (or two) of The Hills.

Now before you leave this blog and never return, solely based on the premise that you cannot associate yourself with someone who watches The Hills, know this: I don't care what you think.

Ha! Ok, that's not entirely true. But when it comes to 'reality tv' I am shameless. I love it! The more ridiculous, the better. That way I have someone to yell at.

And it makes me feel better about myself. :) Seriously, who ARE these people???

Anyways, let's get back to the story at hand. Geez, shiny objects everywhere. Focus!

After watching Meryl Streep's portrayal of Julia Child's I was determined to focus more on the positive, not let others' opinions of me deter my ambitions, and find the fun in life. I was feeling self-confident, ready to take on new challenges, and convinced that I needed to wear pearls!

And then I watched The Hills and determined that I immediately needed to get to they gym, make an appointment to get my hair highlighted, buy a whole new wardrobe, and finally schedule that much needed manicure! I looked at myself in the mirror and declared the vision a mess and vowed to do something about it.

Self-confidence gone, replaced by self-criticism.

What happened there?!?!?!

How can one show inspire me to greatness and another inspire a leg wax?

It doesn't seem right.

And yet, it's exactly how I think.

Just thought I'd share. :)

Oh, and don't think I'm not using my Blockbuster coupon to rent The Hills seasons, because I so am! And I don't apologize for it.

I simply have to know what happened between Heidi and Lauren!

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